Did you know that there is a way for you to harvest fresh herbs and veggies year- round? Yes, there is and we are here to tell you all about it! You can grow your own greens, herbs and vegetables indoors; amazing right? Contrary to popular belief you don’t need to be an expert, this is an easy DIY project that will be sure to save you money in the long run.

You can simply use leftover pieces of vegetables to regrow at home indoors, eliminating the need for an outdoor garden space. This is perfect for persons living in apartments limited space, another plus is that you won’t have to worry about the weather implicating your harvest. All you need is the right amount of sunlight, potting mix and water to get started on a bountiful harvest! Are you ready to explore your green thumb with these 12 ideas we have chosen for you? Let’s get started!


Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow indoors, it requires at least six hours of sunlight daily. Simply place the plant in a sunny window or under fluorescent light. To grow, cut a few stalks into 15 cm pieces leaving only the upper leaves.

Place in a glass of water and change every two days to maintain a healthy plant. Once the roots have sprouted to about 2cm, move to a larger pot.


Mint plants are easy to grow indoors year-round. Similar to basil, gather a few stalks and remove the lowest leaves. Place the cut stem into potting soil and water it, cover the pot with a clear plastic bag and place in sunny window for three weeks.

Using a wide surface container is important to keep the mint roots from encircling themselves. Mint is easy to grow and one of the hardest plants to die.