Toxins are not good there is no doubt about that. The issue most of us may have is eating toxic foods without knowing that they are full of toxins. Toxins can make you sick and enough of it in the body can lead or lead to detrimental health.

With this in mind, it may be wise to at least have an idea of what foods may carry lots of toxins. Here are 10 of such foods that you may or may not be consuming.

#10 Diet Soda

Most if not all of us have had diet soda at some point. The artificial sweeteners and other chemicals added to make this drink tasty and fizzy are bad for you.

There isn’t much to add about sodas, they can be additive, so it takes much discipline to stop, but we need to.

#9 Canned Foods

Two major things cause canned foods to be bad for you. The BPA chemical “bisphenol A” found in the can is harmful. The other is the chemicals used to keep the contents fresh for long periods of time.

These chemical are very harmful and using cans are very unhealthy. It is very easy to use something from a can for convenience,but convenience can be a problem down the road.

#8 Hotdogs

Yes, it’s true, hotdogs are very toxic and it’s due to the process it goes through to be made. Despite being a well-loved product it is very harmful to the body. If you knew how hotdogs are made you probably won’t eat another one.

Not surprising though is the fact that some people don’t care and continue to eat them. However these are among the worst foods to eat and they sell like hot cakes.