Solar energy is an increasingly popular form of energy production due to its renewable nature and growing cost-effectiveness. Despite its growing popularity, there is still a lot of incorrect information, assumptions and myths surrounding solar energy and its usability.

What Is A Myth?

There are many different types of myths out there. Some people believe that myths are just stories that are not true. Others believe that myths are ancient stories that teach a lesson. Whatever you believe, it is important to remember that myths may often contain elements of both fiction and fact.

With that said, we want to dispel some common myths that surround the topic of solar. Today, we will discuss 10 of the most common solar energy myths and debunk them.

Myth 1: Solar is Too Expensive

This myth is probably one of the most common myth associated with solar energy. While it’s true that the initial cost of installing solar panels can be high, in most cases, it quickly pays for itself and continues to save your money on energy costs in the long run. In addition, there are many tax incentives, loan options, and other financing solutions available to make the upfront cost of installing solar panels more affordable.

There are a number of reasons why solar power is becoming more affordable. First, the price of solar panels has fallen dramatically in recent years. In fact, the price of solar panels has been falling by 99% since 1976. Second, the efficiency of solar panels has increased markedly, meaning that fewer panels are needed to generate a given amount of electricity.

Third, there are now a wide variety of financing options available for businesses and homeowners who want to go solar, including leasing arrangements and power purchase agreements. Solar power is an increasingly affordable option for generating electricity.

Myth 2: Solar Panels Require Constant Maintenance

Another common myth about solar panels is that they require constant maintenance. The truth is, solar panels are designed to be low maintenance and typically require very little work on the user’s part. While there are occasional maintenance tasks such as checking the wiring, cleaning the panels, and making sure the inverter isn’t overheating, these tasks are quick and simple to do.

The maintenance required is not as intensive as that of other home appliances, it is still important to be aware of the care your solar panel system needs in order to avoid any problems down the line.

Solar panels should be cleaned to prevent dirt and dust from build-up. This can be done with a brush or hose; however, care must be taken not to damage the panels. In addition, solar panels need to be inspected once in a while for any signs of damage or wear and tear. These inspections can be done by a professional solar panel company or by the homeowner themselves.

Myth 3: Solar Panels Don’t Work in Cloudy Climates

Solar panels are sometimes assumed to not be effective in cloudy climates, but this is untrue. While solar panels may not be as effective in cloudy climates as they are in clear skies, they are still capable of producing energy even under cloudy conditions. The advantage of this is that solar energy is available even when the sun isn’t out.

Cloud cover does affect how much sunlight reaches the solar panels, but there are still plenty of photons bouncing around up there that can be captured and converted into electricity. In fact, on a cloudy day, a solar panel can generate up to 50% of the power it would produce on a sunny day.

Myth 4: Solar Panels Impact On Home Resale Value

This is another common misconception about solar panels. While solar panels do help save money on monthly energy bills, there is no guarantee that they will actually increase home resale value. The resale value of a home depends on a variety of factors such as location and condition.

There are a few reasons why solar panels could make your home more valuable. Solar panels produce renewable energy that can displace the need for energy from the grid, leading to lower utility bills. Secondly, solar panels can increase your home’s curb appeal.

A study by Zillow found that homes with solar panels have a higher perceived value than homes without them. And finally, solar panel systems often come with warranties that can add to their value. For example, SunPower offers a 25-year warranty on its solar panel systems.

Myth 5: Solar Panels Are Unattractive

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular, and many people are choosing to install them for their aesthetic appeal. Though the traditional solar panels are often black in color and lack the aesthetic value of other forms of solar energy, there are many styles and designs of solar panels available today that can fit the look of any home or office.

Solar panels are often seen as unattractive and inefficient, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Solar panels are actually quite efficient, and their aesthetics have come a long way in recent years.

In fact, many solar panels now blend in seamlessly with roofing materials. Some solar panels resemble tiles similar to those found on the roof. Companies like Tesla, SunStyle and Ergosun are famous for these products.