Myth 6: Solar Panels Take Up Too Much Room

Solar panels are getting more efficient every year, and thanks to new technologies, they don’t take up as much space as they once did. In fact, modern solar panels are now much smaller than they used to be and can even be installed on the roof of an average-sized house without taking up too much space.

Furthermore, new technology has made it possible to use solar roofing tiles, which replace normal roofing tiles and still produce electricity. In some sense you take care of two issues in one as you don’t need to buy normal roofing tiles.

Myth 7: Solar Energy is Too Difficult to Set Up

Setting up solar panels used to be a complicated and expensive process, but not anymore. Today’s solar panels are designed to make the installation process as easy and stress-free as possible. With the help of a qualified solar installer, the installation process can usually be completed in as little as one day.

Furthermore, you can now buy many plug and play systems that allow you to set up your system on your own. Some of these power units only need solar panels and you are good to go. Technology is making it much easier to set up your own system.

Myth 8: Solar Energy Only Works During Daylight Hours

Solar energy does depend on having access to enough sunlight to generate energy, but that doesn’t mean that it only works during daylight hours. Thanks to modern energy storage systems, solar panels can generate energy during daylight hours and then store it for later use—even after dusk.

There are currently systems being tested that allow solar panels to generate some amount of electricity at night. However, until such technology becomes readily available, its best to have a large battery storage system to keep everything running during the night.

Myth 9: Solar Panels Don’t Generate Energy When It’s Cold

Solar panels don’t generate as much energy when it’s cold, but that doesn’t mean they’re useless in winter. Cold weather actually makes solar panels more efficient in the sense that they won’t overheat. Solar panels use the sun’s rays and not heat to generate electricity. So if you live in a cold climate, your solar panels will actually work for you.

We mentioned earlier panels that produce electricity at night, these panels use the cold of the night to generate electricity, imagine when this technology becomes readily available the difference it will make?

Myth 10: Solar Panels Are Prone to Damage

Though solar panels are susceptible to wind and hail damage, the truth is that most modern solar panels are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. Solar panels are usually covered by a 25-year warranty, and as long as you follow the maintenance guidelines, your panels should last for many years with no problems.

It would be ludicrous to say that solar panels can’t be damaged, but so can many other things like your car or house. However unless, some misfortune comes your way, solar panels will last for decades. Be sure to always look for the most reliable options.


Solar energy is an increasingly popular form of energy production that can be both cost-effective and renewable. As with any form of energy, there are a number of myths associated with solar energy that can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions.

We hope that this information has been helpful in debunking some of the most common solar energy myths and informing you on the realities of this clean and renewable form of energy.